Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur published various posts in different departments of the Himachal Pradesh. For more detail click on the below said link:
मंगलवार, नवंबर 30, 2010
Posts Published by HPSSSB
Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur, published various posts of viz. Shastri, Art & Craft Teacher, Language Teacher, Craft Instructor, Accountant in Different Department of Himachal Pradesh. Interesting candidate may get the same by following the below said link:
Click Here
बुधवार, नवंबर 03, 2010
Vacancies by HPSSB
Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board Hamirpur published vacancies in different departments of Himachal Pradesh viz. Shastri, Art & craft, LT etc. for more detail CLick here http://himachal.nic.in/hpsssb/2010Advertisement18.pdf
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