शुक्रवार, अप्रैल 27, 2012

बुधवार, अप्रैल 18, 2012

Vacancy in Department of Ayurveda

The College of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jogindernagar has been established and functioning under the Society for Ayurvedic Pharmacy Education and Training w.e.f. 01.10.2010.  The Society is a Govt. Society and has been registered with the Registrar of Societies, H.P.  The Societies proposes to fill up the following posts:-  

S.N.  Name of post           No. of posts 
1 Assistant Librarian               1 
2 Peon & Mali                           2 
3 Chowkidar                             1 

For more detail and form click here

शुक्रवार, अप्रैल 13, 2012