बुधवार, दिसंबर 24, 2014

Himachal High Court Programmer posts Dec-2014

High Court of Himachal Pradesh  
Shimla - 380060

Applications on the prescribed format are invited for filling up the following  vacancies on contract basis for the High Court of Himachal and other Courts, subordinate to the the High Courts  :
  1. Computer Programmer : 01 post, Pay Scale : Rs. 10300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 5000/-,  Age : 25-45 years
  2. Assistant Programmer : 12 posts, Pay Scale : Rs. 10300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 3200/-,  Age : 22-45 years
Application Fee : Indian Postal Order of Rs.400/-  (Rs.100/- for SC/ST/ OBC of Himachal only) 

    How to Apply : Applications may be sent to the Registrar General, High Court of Himachal Pradesh, Shimla so as to reach on or before 09/02/2015(last date is 23/02/2015 for the candidates from far-flung areas)

    Please view http://hphighcourt.nic.in/pdf/Advprog16122014.pdf for all the details and application format.

    शनिवार, नवंबर 29, 2014

    मंगलवार, नवंबर 18, 2014

    Clerk Cadre posts in SBI Associate Bank Nov-2014

    Posted: 17 Nov 2014 09:01 AM PST
    Central Recruitment & Promotion Department (CRPD) Corporate Centre, Mumbai
    Advertisement No. CRPD/ABCL/2014-15/07

    Recruitment of Clerical Cadre in Associate Banks of State Bank of India

    Central Recruitment & Promotion Department, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Mumbai invites Online applications from Indian citizens for appointment of following 6425 Clerical Cadre posts in Associate Banks of State Bank of India.
    ·  Clerical Cadre : 6425 posts (SC-1048, ST-413, OBC-1663, UR-3301) in various states (SBBJ-1000, SBH - 2200, SBM-725, SBP-1200, SBT-1300), Pay Scale : Rs. 7200 - 19300/-, Age : 20-28 years as on 01/12/2014. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules., Qualification :  A degree (Graduation level) or equivalent from a recognised university.
    Selection Procedure : Final selection will be made on the basis of performance in the written test  on 07/10/2012 and 14/10/2012 and interview for selected candidates taken together. 

    Application Fee : Rs. 600/- (for SC/ST/PWD/XS Rs.100/- only) to be deposited in any branch of SBI and get receipt. Details of the payment should be entered in online application form.

    How to Apply : Apply Online at SBI website between 20/11/2014 and 09/12/2014. 
    For more information and online submission of application, please visit the recruitment page at SBI website https://www.sbi.co.in/portal/web/home/careers-with-us

    गुरुवार, जुलाई 10, 2014

    Vacancies by HPSSSB Hamirpur July 2014

    HPSSSB Hamirpur publish various posts under different departments. For more detail read Amar Ujala dated 09-07-2014.
    Click Here for Advertisement

    बुधवार, जून 18, 2014

    Detail Marks Jogindra Bank Written

    Marks obtained by the candidates appeared in the online examination for the post of Assistant Manager and Executive Assistant is as under:

    Assistant Manager
    Executive Assistant 

    Vacancies in National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur

    National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur
    Himachal Pradesh (HP) - 177055

    Hamirpur National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur invites applications for following posts :
      1. Junior Assistants : 06 posts
      2. Technical Assistants : 10 posts
      3. Technicians : 40 posts
          Application Fee :  Rs.250/- in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar NIT Hamirpur payable at Hamirpur (HP)-177005.

          How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur - 177055 (HP) on or before 25/07/2014.

          For more information and application format, please visit http://www.nith.ac.in/recruitment/index.htm

          सोमवार, अप्रैल 28, 2014

          Various PostsL Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission

          Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited from the desirous and eligible candidates for recruitment to various posts in various Departments of Himachal Pradesh Government  : 

            1. Ayurvedic Medical Officer (On Contract basis) : 101 posts 
            2. Professor (Community Dentistry) : 01 post
            3. Deputy Advocate General : 01 post
            4. Director, Sainik Welfare : 01 post
            5. Deputy Director, Sainik Welfare (On Contract basis) : 08 posts
            6. Assistant Engineer (Electrical) (On contract basis) : 03 posts
            7. Senior Planning Draughtsman (On contract basis) : 03 posts
            8. Planning Officer (On contract basis) : 01 post
            9. Lecturer, Computer Engineering, (Polytechnic) (on Contract basis) : 02 posts
            10. Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (Physics) (on Contract basis) : 05 posts
            11. Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (Chemistry) (on Contract basis) : 04 posts
            12. Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (Mathematics) on Contract basis) : 05 posts
            13. Lecturer, Applied Sciences & Humanities (Polytechnic) (English) (on Contract basis) : 05 posts
            14. Veterinary Officer (On Contract basis) : 21 posts
              Application Fee : Application on the specimen form duly completed should be accompanied by examination fee of Rs. 400/- (Rs.100/- for candidates belonging to SC, ST and OBC categories of Himachal Pradesh only), through a e-challan by cash in any branch of Punjab National Bank or by using Visa/ Master/Credit/ Debit Card.
              How to Apply : Apply Online at HPPSC website on or before 26/05/2014.

              Please view further details at  http://hp.gov.in/hppsc/page/Latest-Advertisement.aspx and  apply online athttp://hp.gov.in/hppsc (Left Hand sidebar)

              शुक्रवार, अप्रैल 04, 2014

              Vacancy for the Post of Naib Tehsildar

              Nine posts of Naib Tehsildar published by the HPPSC.

              For detailed advertisement Click Here

              गुरुवार, मार्च 13, 2014

              Admit Card Jogindra Central Cooperative Bank (Assistant Manager and Executive Assistant)

              As per advertisement published by Jogindra Central Cooperative Bank Solan Admit Card for examination for the posts of Assistant Manager and Executive Assistant (including PACS/Other Societies) is available in link given below:

              Exam is scheduled to be held on 22 March 2014 (Saturday) and 23-March 2014 (Sunday) in different venues of Solan and Shimla District.

              Link will be activated as and when link activated by the Bank.

              Syllabus for Assistant Manager and Executive Assistant Exam:
              S.No. Test No of question Marks Time
              1 Reasoning 50 50 120 Minutes
              2 Quantitative Aptitude 50 50
              3 English Language 50 50
              4 General Awareness 50 50


              शनिवार, फ़रवरी 01, 2014

              Vacancy in Jogindra Central Cooperative Bank Ltd. Solan

              “On LINE” applications are invited from the eligible candidates on Contract Basis in different categories on the basis of online exam and personal interview. Interested candidates should read detailed “Instructions for recruitment and qualifications etc.” on Bank’s Website www.jccb.co.in . Applications can be filled online in recruitment link on the website between 03-02-2014 and 16-02-2014 and the prescribed fee can be paid by 17th February 2014. Application received by any other mode and received after due date will not be entertained. Numbers of posts are likely to increase.

              Category of Post
              Gen Ex-Ser
              OBC Ex-Ser
              Assistant Manager
              Executive Assistant (Clerk)
              Executive Assistant PACS (Clerk)
              Executive Assistant Other Societies (Clerk)

              All the posts are purely on contract basis on a sum @ initial stage of pay band attached to the post plus admissible Grade Pay and applicable Dearness Allowance thereon. At present Pay Band attached to the respective posts with admissible Grade Pay is indicated below:-


              PAY BAND
              GRADE PAY

              Approximate Emoluments Per Month at present
              Assistant Manager
              Rs. 26100/-
              Executive Assistant (Clerk)
              Rs. 24300/-

              APPLICATION FEE (non refundable):

              NAME OF THE POST
              Assistant Manager
              GENERAL/ OBC/ Ex Servicemen/WFF/
              Physically Handicapped etc.

              Executive Assistant All Categories (Clerk)
              GENERAL/ OBC/ Ex Servicemen/WFF/
              Physically Handicapped etc.


              For More detail Click Here
              To apply online visit Click Here