बुधवार, जून 18, 2014

Detail Marks Jogindra Bank Written

Marks obtained by the candidates appeared in the online examination for the post of Assistant Manager and Executive Assistant is as under:

Assistant Manager
Executive Assistant 

Vacancies in National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur

National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur
Himachal Pradesh (HP) - 177055

Hamirpur National Institute of Technology (NIT), Hamirpur invites applications for following posts :
    1. Junior Assistants : 06 posts
    2. Technical Assistants : 10 posts
    3. Technicians : 40 posts
        Application Fee :  Rs.250/- in the shape of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Registrar NIT Hamirpur payable at Hamirpur (HP)-177005.

        How to Apply : Application in the prescribed format should be sent to The Registrar, National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur - 177055 (HP) on or before 25/07/2014.

        For more information and application format, please visit http://www.nith.ac.in/recruitment/index.htm