बुधवार, जून 10, 2015

Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Recruitment 2015 HP Fireman Jobs

Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Recruitment 2015 Walk in:

Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Fireman Jobs 2015 June Walk in interview Notification For 58 Govt Jobs in Himachal Pradesh 2015. Himachal Pradesh Fire Department has announced the employment notification for Fireman posts. All eligible and interested job finders are invited to apply for these vacancies. A fire department is a public organization which provides rescue missions and fight against a fire in emergency cases. It is the department which will come under the Municipal Corporation of state Government. Candidates who are willing to work with this kind of designations must apply for this post as per the Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Recruitment 2015 Notification.
HP Fire Services Department Fireman Jobs 2015
Applicants who are young and dynamic personalities with eligible qualification to serve and protect the public in emergency fire accidents must apply for HP Fire Services Fireman Vacancy. Candidates should send their application forms attached by needed documents to the concerned address. They have to apply before last date. Applicants are invited for this recruitment program to provide their services in Himachal Pradesh which is most beautiful place in the Country. Job seekers are advised refer the public notice at the mentioned site address. They can go through the www.himachal.gov.in as per the HP Fire Services Dept Recruitment 2015.
HP Fire Services Fireman Application Form 2015
Job seekers who are looking forward to Himachal Pradesh government jobs in Fire Department can apply before valid date. Mode of selection will be based on the performance in individual of physical tests and interview skills. The fire department of every state provides fire prevention services, fire alarms, to protect the public. To decrease the incidents of rescue missions in fire accidents Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Notification 2015 has issued this notification. Applicants are advised to check the following information to know more details regarding this recruitment program.

Himachal Pradesh Fire Services Fireman Vacancies 2015 Eligibility Criteria:

Organization Name: Himachal Pradesh Fire Department
Name of the Posts: Fireman
Number of Vacancies: Total 58 Govt Jobs
Qualification Requirement: SSC
Age Limit: 18 – 45 years
Salary: 5,910 – 20,200 + 1,900 Grade pay
Job Act: Government
Job Location: Himachal Pradesh
How To Apply For Fireman Jobs 2015: Offline
Selection Criteria: Interview and Physical tests
Official Website: www.himachal.gov.in

Important Dates:

Walk-in date: 30th June 2015
Offline Apply Last Date: 24th June 2015

For other details Click Here