बुधवार, मार्च 07, 2012

SBI Assistant and Stenographer Jobs March-2012

Central Recruitment & Promotion Department, State Bank of India, Corporate Centre, Mumbai invites Online applications from Indian citizens for appointment of  Clerical Cadre 9500 posts of Assistants and Stenographers (Hindi/English)  in State Bank of India (Earlier Advertisement of December 2011 is cancelled and the number of posts are revised  - Those who have applied earlier can edit the details)   

  • Clerical posts - Assistants  : 8500 posts in various states in India (UR-3145, OBC-1949, SC-2069, ST-1337) (PH-780) (see detailed advt. for State-wise distribution), Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300/-, Age : 18-28 years as on 01/12/2011. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.
  • Clerical posts - Stenographers : 1000 posts (Hindi-100, English-900) in various states in India (UR-537, OBC-250, SC-137, ST-79) (PH-175) (see detailed advt. for State-wise distribution), Pay Scale : Rs.7200-19300/-, Age : 18-28 years as on 01/12/2011. Age relaxation as per Govt. rules.
For more Detail follow the below said link:

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